Welcome to the official Website of Government Kirti College, Nial-Patran, Patiala (Punjab)

Vision Mission & Objectives


The vision of our College is to impart education to all sections of society, irrespective of their pecuniary, societal or educational background. We believe that every child has the “Right to Education” with dignity and equal opportunity. Through our untiring effort, we shall endeavor to impart excellent college experience by providing an environment that is conducive to success.


It is our mission to provide a welcoming, safe and a happy college where everyone is respected and listened to a college where we inspire a love for learning and empower students to meet the challenges of the 21st century with confidence, courage, creativity and compassion.

Towards this end, we commit available resources to ensure that:

  • We provide an environment which is orderly, safe, inviting and stimulating.
  • Each student experiences success, feels cared for and positive about their involvement with Govt. Kirti College Nial Patran (Patiala).
  • Our parental community feels welcomed and valued as full participants in their child’s education.
  • The leadership is supportive, encouraging, and fosters positive changes.
  • The staff works and shares as a collaborative team.
  • Teachers are motivated, enthusiastic, and experience continued professional growth.
Govt Kirti College Nial, Patran